Articles | Volume 4, issue 1
Regular research article
05 Feb 2015
Regular research article |  | 05 Feb 2015

Investigations into packaging technology for membrane-based thermal flow sensors

G. Dumstorff, E. Brauns, and W. Lang

Abstract. A new packaging method to mount a membrane-based thermal flow sensor, flush with the surface, is presented. Therefore, a specific design for the housing is shown, which is also adaptable to other conditions. It has been experimentally shown that it is important to mount the sensor flush with the surface. In addition, the experimental results are discussed. If a membrane-based thermal flow sensor is not mounted flush with the surface, vortices can occur (depending on velocity and fluid properties) or the reduction in the channel cross section plus a decrease in sensitivity have to be taken into account.

Short summary
A new packaging method to mount a membrane-based thermal flow sensor, flush with the surface, is presented. Therefore, a specific design for the housing is shown that is also adaptable to other conditions. It has been experimentally shown that it is important to mount the sensor flush with the surface. If not, vortices can occur (depending on velocity and the fluid properties) or the reduction of the channel cross section plus a decrease in sensitivity have to be taken into account.